Home Sweet Home

My new roommate, Paige, and I are finally unpacking in our new home away from home on Hauslabgasse. It is much larger than I thought it would be and our host mom is extremely nice. She knows English fairly well but I requested she speak lots of German so I can learn faster!

Today the students gathered in our classroom for the first day of orientation. We learned a bit of basic Vienna history and also a few culture and customs differences we might encounter here. We went to the Universität Wien student cafeteria for lunch which was surprisingly cheap and very good. After a few more hours of orientation in the classroom, we headed back to the hotel to finally meet our host families. We had some issues with my ski bag - had to order a cab because my host mom didn't have a big enough car! Whoops!

Tomorrow we have more orientation and a city tour. It's only been one day but I feel like I already know my way around pretty well. Public transit is easy to negotiate and our program fee includes free city transit everywhere in Vienna. I'm looking forward to some days off for exploring.

Here's a picture of my corner of the bedroom. I share it with Paige but it is probably 3 or 4 times larger than my room at home!

From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009