Skiing at last!

On Friday at 7:00 I will be headed, by train, to Semmering, Austria for a skiing day-trip at Stuhleck! My ticket was a special combination with round-trip transportation (including train transport from Südbahnhof to Semmering and a bus from the train station directly to the lift) AND a full day life ticket - all for just €50! The ski resort is not one of the huge, famous resorts of Austria but it's a popular spot for the Viennese locals and only about an hour away by train. Still trying to figure out what to do with my skis or where to put them on the train. But I will DEFINITELY be taking pictures on the mountain!

I'm still in the process of planning my other skiing adventures and the hardest part will be deciding which resorts to go to because there are SO MANY good ones! Lodging is my biggest road-block because staying on the mountain is, obviously, SUPER expensive and not all the small ski-towns have hostels or cheaper places to stay. Laax is basically confirmed because I have a couple different options there but St. Moritz has turned into a problem because I can't find available lodging for the entire weekend. I don't really want to show up and realize there's nothing under €400 a night. I'm thinking St. Anton for the first weekend in February but again, I need to find some cheap lodging before I can commit! Kitzbühel, Hintertux and Hallstatt are also in the running for some weekend skiing. I will keep you updated...

Andy Roddick is making a comeback against Roger Federer in the Australian Open semi-finals this morning. I set my alarm for 9:30 so I could watch it live on EuroSport. I'm not too fond of the announcers and it's making me miss the McEnroe brothers!

I woke up to snow today but there's not a lot on the ground, less than an inch. It hasn't been lasting too long, maybe a day or two, because the weather has warmed to the 35s and 40s this past week. My boots are perfect, though, and I have no complaints. Super comfy and super warm!

We have a little German quiz this afternoon - introductions, numbers and "I am," "he is," "we are," "they are," etc. Shouldn't be too difficult. After that, our music class is going to the Mozart museum for a little tour. Then it's weekend time! Probably going to take it easy and hang out around here. I still have a lot of exploring in Vienna to do. :)

I suppose that's all the news. GO ANDY!!