Getting a little irritated...

So I've been able to deal for the first month or so but now it's REALLY starting to get on my nerves! EVERYBODY here smokes and every restaurant, bar and public place is full of smoke! My clothes always smell like smoke and now my room is even starting to smell like smoke... it's SO gross!! Now I have to do my laundry twice as often just to get the smoke smell out of everything. I still smell it in my hair after I wash it sometimes, too. I guess the anti-smoking wave has yet to hit Vienna. I'm not sure about the rest of the country. I might have to escape to Germany where smoking isn't as prevalent!

Anyway, just had to get that out. I'm sitting in the school "study lounge" area where there is free internet. The internet at our house will be fixed tomorrow... somehow the router was reset so all the settings went back to default. There's a few of us here just reading, doing homework, talking and surfing the web.

I only have one class today: German. We had a little quiz last week on everything we've learning so far. Greetings, numbers, how to say/ask where you are from, where you live, what languages you speak and how old you are. Pretty basic stuff so I think I'm getting it down. I'm starting to pick up a lot of other German, too, like where we are going and what we're doing. The vocab isn't there yet but in due time! The street names don't seem so foreign to me anymore and I think my pronunciation and German reading is improving a lot. I feel a lot more comfortable romping around town now, too, because I'm becoming a lot more familiar with everything.

That's all the news for now. Still undecided about what to do this weekend... Irmtraut suggested Innsbruck so maybe I'll spend a couple days there, then a couple in Salzburg? We'll see. Talk to you later!