Last day in Salzburg & an afternoon in Linz

From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009
Well my evening in Salzburg turned out more eventful than I thought. The hostel was hosting a Toga party! Free sheets were available at the front desk and everyone was taking part in the fun, including myself! Yep, I wore a Toga.

Saturday morning I headed out to Leopoldskron and found the Von Trapp house but couldn't really get close! Kind of a bummer but the place is private property and only allows private tours. But I got to see it a little bit so it was cool.

After that, train time. I got to the station about 6 minutes before the next train left for Linz. When I got to Linz, there was some kind of festival going on - there were tons of people out walking around and lining the streets in preparation for what seemed to be a parade. So I walked up and down the main street, battling my way through the crowds, but it was worth it! Linz is a really nice little city with tons of shopping and a really cool open square. I didn't have time to see the Mauthausen concentration camp memorial because the bus schedule was a little weird and I wouldn't be able to come back until 8pm. Maybe some other time, Linz is only a couple hours away. I also went into the Neuer Dom, Austria's largest church. Pretty spectacular but not as "decked out" as some of the other churches I've been in throughout Europe. (St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague definitely takes the cake!)

After a few hours of exploring, I headed back to the train station to catch the next train back to Vienna. I got there with about 5 minutes to spare and even managed to grab some snacks from the grocery store on-site before the train departed.

Last night I met up with Aaron and Mark for a weekend debriefing of all our adventures. Today it's wet and rainy so I don't know if I'll find the motivation to go anywhere. It's been warming up lately but still overcast most days. Hopefully the weather will improve!

(More photos from Salzburg and Linz have been posted on the sidebar!)