Cadolzburg and the Engelhardt's

So behind on the blog! I hate playing catch-up but I think it's a must! (Sorry, I'm a loser and didn't take any photos but maybe the Engelhardt's will send one of Frank and I about to go on a bike ride.)

After a wonderful week in Luzern, I headed to Nuremberg via my huge Deutsche Bahn disaster which you should have already read in great detail sometime last week. Luckily that's now a thing of the past and something I can try to laugh about, now... TRY! At the train station in Nuremberg, I heard some English and asked if I could borrow a cell phone to call Frank and let him know I arrived. A short 20-30 minutes, Frank was already there and helped me with my things to his car. I just sat and talked over a beer with the Americans who were stationed in one of the U.S.A.'s Germany military bases nearby while I waited for Frank. I went with Frank to a pretty cool little bar in the center of the city. We had a small dinner and walked around the city for a little bit, then headed to Cadolzburg where his parents live and where I would be staying for the next few days.

The house was amazing and I was SO excited to cuddle up in bed after such a long and horrible day on all the trains and at all the stations! The next day was perfect, and I think my time in Cadolzburg and sight-seeing around the area really made up for my train debacle the day before. Frank's parents were really great – so cheerful and so excited to have me. A giant feast of a breakfast awaited us outside on the newly-built garden deck. Almost the whole family joined us including Frank's parents, brother, his brother's girlfriend, Frank's sister and her boyfriend. The weather was amazing and I felt so comfortable with a family I'd only known for just a couple hours! After lunch, Frank took me on a little bike ride through the quaint town of Cadolzburg. The exercise was a godsend and I couldn't remember the last time I'd done anything that active! Just getting on a bike was awesome, too. After that, Frank organized a casual soccer game for us with a bunch of his friends. All the guys were super nice and even let me score a few goals! Haha, yeah just kidding, I went easy on them, though. ;) That evening we explored the nearby town of Fürth where Frank's girlfriend (Vera) lives. The town is pretty historically relevant, being one of Germany's largest Jewish populations. It was very nice and had an amazing city park right in the center of town. The U-Bahn there even went all the way to Nürnberg.

Frank took me to his college flat in the nearby town of Erlangen on Monday. Another quaint German town, but bustling with college students and lots of action. I was pleasantly surprised as we wandered the downtown streets of the little place.

On Tuesday, Vera's parents were nice enough to take us along to their mom's place in Engelstadt, south east of Nürnberg. We stopped at a few historical sites like some Roman baths and a big castle on the way, and of course the German countryside was gorgeous. Vera's grandmother was so sweet and we enjoyed cake and coffee with her for an hour or so outside her flat on the patio. After that, we ventured into town where Vera's father gave me a pretty detailed history of the town and its main features. We continued on to a small university town not far from Engelstadt. Vera's parents treated us to a fantastic dinner at a pretty authentic German restaurant. Frank and I finally got home late that night and hit the hay.

Another bike ride was in store for me Wednesday, but instead of town we ventured into the forest. It was really beautiful with so many trails I couldn't believe it! On our way back to the house, we stopped at Frank's Aunt and Uncle's farm at the edge of town. They were super nice and showed me around the place. It was really different from the way we do things back home but also pretty enlightening. I'm glad we have as much space as we do! After the bike ride we were pretty beat and did some more relaxing. After a quick run to the grocery store for some BBQ meats, we went to one of the guys' house we played soccer with for a real German-style BBQ – crazy people almost always grill pork! We had a great time, though, and I'm really glad it's how I was able to spend my last night in Cadolzburg.

Frank saw me off Thursday morning from Cadolzburg Hauptbahnhof – kind of a joke because there were two tracks and only one possible direction. Haha, it was cute, though. Didn't have too much trouble with my transfers although I was running through the station in Nürnberg in order to buy my ticket to Mannheim and catch the train on time. I was supposed to have 15 minutes but ended up with 10. I'm pretty sure the ticket lady didn't think I'd make the train but oh... oh yes I did, indeed!

Cadolzburg and the Engelhardt's was awesome. Those people are truly amazing and I really look forward to the next time I can visit them and their lovely home. Frank and his family's kindness are truly one-of-a-kind and something that is never forgotten! I hope Frank will visit the U.S.A. Sometime again soon so I can hopefully repay the favor. That whole area around Nürnberg is so gorgeous – I can't wait to return!