Finally in Switzerland

Wow, 10 hours in the train was not the best experience I've ever had but I did arrive in one piece so I suppose I can't complain! When I did get into Luzern, I was wide awake but that didn't last long. After some breakfast and a little settling-in, I passed out for a good 4-hour nap. Hopefully my sleeping schedule will be back to normal, now.

Yesterday, Christian and his girlfriend took me back to the city center for some lunch and a little bit of strolling. I remembered a few things from my visit in 2004 but there were still some sights I didn't recognize. The weather here is perfect - no more wintery cold but not too hot, yet.

Today, Greti, Sarah and I traveled to the famous Jungfrau peak near Interlaken, Switzerland. The mountain is known to many as the "Top of Europe" although there are definitely higher mountains in the Alps. Still, I think 11,000+ feet was still a record for me and being that high made me feel just a little... off. The weather was absolutely spectacular. Unfortunately, the one cloud in the sky was stubbornly stuck to the very top of the mountain, blocking the surrounding view. It was still a sight to see and I really appreciate Greti and Sarah spending their time to take me touring!

If this one photo doesn't completely describe Switzerland - I don't know what can.

Tomorrow I'm going skiing in Engelberg, Switzerland. There's a direct train from Luzern that takes exactly an hour. I'm looking forward to my last European ski trip but obviously sad that this may very well be my last time skiing this year! I'll have to make it count!

Christian is leaving with his girlfriend for Mexico tomorrow so I'll have to bid him farewell. It was really great seeing him, even though it was only a short period of time, but time spent with family is always worthwhile. I'm sure he's going to have a great time amongst all spring breakers in Mexico!!

I suppose that's all for now. Still no solidified plans after my visit here. I've been discussing some options with Christian, Sr. and Greti about where to go/what to do with my bags. We've been coming up with some possibilities but nothing for sure, yet. I'll definitely keep you posted. Hope everyone back home is having a great afternoon!

P.S. I can't understand ANYONE here AT ALL, besides Greti!!