Last night in Vienna

Well... it's finally here: My last night in Vienna. Yeah it's a Friday and I'm sitting here trying to decide whether or not to go out. Things got pretty rowdy last night and I'm still feeling it, plus I don't need to spend another €20 on clubs and drinks before I leave. It is... my last night though, so it's possible I will change my mind by the time I finish writing this...

Somehow my pile of crap got bigger in the last couple days. I'm supposed to be packing things away so how does that work?? I don't think I'm going to have any problems fitting everything, in fact I'm fairly certain I will have room to spare. Dragging everything to Westbahnhof (the train station) will be fun, though.

Yesterday our host mom took us out in the afternoon for a walk in the Wienerwald (Vienna woods) and see some pretty cool views of Vienna. I saw a fox scampering across one of the trails - it was pretty cool! After a bit of walking, we found a small Heuriger for wine and dinner. I had, of course, knödel and some pork.

After dinner, Paige and I came back to the flat to prepare for our night out. It was the last meeting of all the remaining AHA students. A couple have already gone home! We met at our beloved 1516 Brewery where I had my last glasses of their famous Stout. After that, some of us split off for Flex after more goodbyes. The group at Flex danced the night away in true Viennese fashion and didn't roll into bed until the birds were chirping. Needless to say, fun was had by all!

It's nearing 1AM here so I think I'll cozy up to my little laptop and watch this week's episode of Heroes before I fall asleep. I've got my work cut out for me tomorrow! Gute nacht.