
Made it to Philip's place in Mannheim after a few awesome days in Cadolzburg with Frank. My apologies for the delay in posting but as you can imagine, I've been pretty busy in just a few days' time.

I arrived in Mannheim yesterday afternoon and Philip met me at the train station. After we took my things to his apartment which happens to be about 2 blocks from the train station, we walked around town and saw the university and the town center. We got a few things for dinner and ate back at the apartment. Around 9pm we headed for a student pub called "Cafe Vienna" for a couple beers.

I just woke up and I'm sitting here writing this with CNN on in the background. We watched part of Obama's speech in Mexico City last night... ugh.

Today Philip is going to take me to Heidelberg, a little town not far from Mannheim and I guess a little more made up for tourists. Philip thinks Mannheim is one of the ugliest cities in Germany! I don't know about that but he doesn't seem to like the city here much - just the university here.

So my plans are to take off for Munich sometime tomorrow morning. It's only 3 hours or so from Mannheim so it won't be too bad. I'll spend a few days there (hopefully find a place to stay - travel season has started and some of the hostels are pretty full!) and then return to Vienna Tuesday or Wednesday night.

Philip showed me some pictures from the last time he was in the United States with us and it really made us BOTH miss it!