Boring Days

I didn't write yesterday because not much really happened... and today was pretty bland, as well. It's hard for me to say that without feeling a little guilty because I'm in VIENNA, AUSTRIA right now!! And while not many "notable events" took place the last couple of days, the daily travels to and from class are always enjoyable as there is still so much to see. There are quite a few different options as far as transportation to the school is concerned and we have yet to discover them all. For instance bus, tram (street car) and/or Ü-Bahn (underground train).

But you might be somewhat interested in the days happenings so I will try to write about them in a nutshell. Paige and I slept in until about 10:30 since we didn't have class until 13:30. Once we got there we went to a youth center near the main area of town where young people are offered all kinds of free information about where things are and what to do in Vienna. We also learned it was a good place to buy cheap concert tickets. From there, Paige and I went to a small restaurant for a soup dinner and after that we split off to do other things. I went to the store to purchase a few things like shampoo, conditioner, soap and a washcloth. (Apparently most people around these parts do not use a washcloth!) I came home and relaxed for the rest of the night.

This morning, Paige and I had class at 9:00 - Music in Vienna. This class seems like it will be mostly about music history and theory but our instructor, Solvik, did play (literally, like on the piano next door to our classroom!) some peices for us in attempt to demostrate the differences in musical eras. For example music from the Classical era compared to music from the Romantisicm era. Some students in the class have NO musical background so it should be interesting! For lunch I went with Jeff and Aaron to the Universität Wien cafeteria for a filling, yet inexpensive lunch among many Austrian students. After lunch we had round two of Beginning German class where we learned basic introductions, how to say where you are from and where you live and what languages you can speak. There are about six student in the class and Frauke, our instructor, is very fun! The next class was Psychology in Vienna and although rather dull today due to the need for a background and history lesson before getting into the real material, I have a feeling it will be very interesting. I think we will be doing a lot of class discussion from now on. Our instructor has a thick accent but it is fun to listen to her.

Tonight I am going over to Aaron and Mark's homestay where Mark is going to cook us an authentic Russian soup for dinner. He was having trouble finding chicken broth but I think one of the instructors was able to point him in the right direction. (Cubes, right!?)

Tomorrow I have European Cities from 9:00 to 11:00 and then I'm done! Not sure what I'm going to do with my free time, yet. Hopefully take some pictures for everyone!!

I have changed my Facebook to Deutsch so everything is in German, now. Full immersion! :)