Hockey Night in.... Austria!?

Of course I looked up the local hockey team here in Vienna and found it home to the Capitals, a member of the ERSTE (means 'first' - thanks Mom!) Bank league.

From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009
As it turns out, Doug Lynch - former Spokane Chief and British Columbia native - now plays for this team! I vaguely recall hearing something about him playing in Austria when I was in high school but hadn't really thought about it until I looked up the player roster and saw his name. Pretty random! So a couple AHA friends and I headed to the rink tonight for some good ol' Austrian hockey. The "Caps" beat Slovakian team Jesenice 4-3 in overtime. Maybe next week we will go and stay afterward to try to talk to Doug!

In other news, one of the AHA students here is first cousins with Sasha Cohen.

This morning, Paige and I woke up to the sound of children playing and laughing. I stepped outside the room to find this:

Just like home back in the old days! Irmtraut had her 3 grandchildren over for their Sunday visit. They live in a different area of Vienna.

I'm sure you're interested in our night last night. It was kind of a bust... a lot of the students decided they were too tired to go do anything! So Paige and I ended up walking around our neighborhood in attempt to A) Get to know the place, and B) Possbilly/Hopefully find a place to hang out. The closest we came was a gay bar with "MEN ONLY" written in English on the door. Oh well!

First day of classes tomorrow. Paige and I are not in the Human Rights course that meets at 9:00 tomorrow morning so we don't have to arrive at the school until 13:30. That will be nice!