An Evening with Mozart & Beethoven

(I just added a couple pictures to this post.)

Aaron and I spent our Sunday evening at The Musikverein in the city center. (A small change of plans from the hockey game!) The following was our concert program:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009

Ouverture zur Oper „Lucio Silla“, KV 135
Alma grande e nobil core. Arie für Sopran und
Orchester, KV 578
Giunse al fin il momento. Arie der Susanna aus
der Oper „Die Hochzeit des Figaro“, KV 492
„Temerai…come scoglio“ aus der Oper
„Così fan tutte“, KV 588
Parto, parto, ma tu, ben mio. Arie des Sesto aus
der Oper „La clemenza di Tito“, KV 621
Ludwig van Beethoven:
Symphonie Nr. 7 A-Dur, op. 92

Maybe Mom can interpret that!! There were a couple that I really liked and the singer was incredible! I think Aaron was even able to enjoy it. The cost was €5 for standing room only but we were able to sit on the floor about half the time so it wasn't bad.

For the music class we have to do a short report on a concert or Opera of your choice and also a report on a composer. I was assigned Beethoven so I have to write a paper about him! There are quite a few concerts/operas/musicals to choose from but one of my friends wanted to see The Magic Flute so I might go to that. I think I've heard of it but I don't know anything about it. Anyone want to fill me in?? :)

I went to the grocery store for the FIRST time today! That is probably a bad thing but they are so tiny here and it isn't any fun when you have no idea what anything is. But I managed and I should have plenty of food here for a while. I got sandwich items so I can pack a lunch, too.

Aaron and I booked our train tickets to Prague. We'll be leaving Friday morning at 6AM!! Aaron has soccer practice until 19:30 Thursday night so we decided just to leave early in the morning and try to sleep on the train - that way we won't have to pay for another night at the hostel. (Sir Toby's) We should get to Prague around 10:30AM. We reserved the cheapest rooms and our round-trip train ticket was only €80 total so I think we're traveling fairly cheap.

I keep forgetting to fill you in on Aaron's soccer situation since you might be wondering why he has actual PRACTICE! He is a goalkeeper on his college soccer team in Ohio and wanted to participate in a study abroad program to pursue a position with a semi-professional or professional soccer team here in Europe. He contacted some teams in Vienna and arranged for a try-out and got on one of the semi-pro teams here! So now he has practice 6 days a week with the exception of some pre-excused weekends for our program trips. But we're all really excited for him and will hopefully be able to watch him play in some games, soon!

Anyway, so we're trying to get some other people to come to Prague with us but we didn't want to wait around with the tickets so we just booked everything for ourselves. It sounds like a couple more students will join.

I'm looking forward to a quiet night tonight! Tomorrow I have Music, German and Psychology. I feel like I'm never going to learn German because it's so overwhelming but I think I'm starting to pick up on some things. Hopefully the huge learning curve will start to kick in! I have plenty of time!