Skifahren in Kitzbühel - Tag 1

Well, I didn't think I was going to have any pictures to share with you today because the weather was pretty crappy this morning. But I held out until the afternoon and it cleared up just enough to see some amazing panoramic views. It's pretty awesome here!!

I was a little irritated at first because the place seemed really "choppy." Like I got on the first gondola to get up to the main part of the resort, then I got onto another lift, then I could go back down or keep going up, and then I could get on this other one or this other one... but a lot of the runs weren't that long and there are TONS of cat-tracks! (I guess it makes sense that Austrians are more accepting of all that ski-cross crap!) But after lunch I found the money spot over on the back side. Suuuuper long runs and the weather was just starting to clear up back there so I was excited. I spent the rest of the afternoon back there and overall, I still haven't seen the entire resort. There's probably about half left that I still haven't seen!

Here's a pretty neat view of the city from my journey down to the very bottom:

Getting down before closing was a little stressful! Here, you can't just think about going down to get to the bottom. You can be 3 or 4 lifts away from where you need to be to get down to the right town! There are even a lot of runs that don't have a lift at the bottom - just a little town or village. Some lifts don't have any vertical, they just transfer you from one peak to another. So once again, just like Stuhleck, I was struggling to interpret signs and figure out how to get down to the right spot! Fortunately this time I didn't make any wrong turns.

I had to take a picture of this. You know you're skiing in Austria when...

I met a guy in Vienna Wednesday night who's last name is Reiter - Hah, I don't know if we're related. :p

Plans tonight? No idea. The hostel is pretty quiet right now, I'm not sure where everyone is, maybe out to dinner or something. I went to the grocery store and bought a mini-frozen pizza for myself and some soup packets for the next couple of nights. Gotta learn to conserve the cash!

I suppose that's all the big news for now. More later! :)