Another weekend in Vienna

I've decided to give Twitter a try and added a "Twitter Feed" to the top of my page. Twitter is an online service that allows you to periodically update others on your status (i.e. what you're doing at the moment, where you are, etc.) in just a sentence or two. Many people update from where ever they are using their cell phones. I can't make any promises as to how often I'll be updating mine because it's as new to me as it is to you, but we'll see how it goes.

Things are pretty mellow around here. Half of the A-team (fellow American students) have been gone for a week and the weather isn't exactly motivating me to do much, either. Last night was Jeff's birthday so we took him to a place called the Prater Dome. Thursday night there is Lady's Night so our cover charge was only €3 and we got €10 of free drinks - pretty sweet deal, best "lady's night" special I've ever encountered.

This Prater Dome place reminded me of Disneyland. As usual, I didn't take my camera (I'm always nervous about bringing my camera out with me so I usually leave it behind at home, safe and sound.) but the club was huge and all done up medieval-style. There were four different dance floors with different themes. Some of the other girls took pictures so I'll try to remember to throw them up here sometime. Anyhow, we had a good time and met some cool people.

No big plans for the weekend... I keep waiting for the weather to improve but I think it's about time I give up on that pipe-dream. The Dollar continues to fall against the Euro. I thought it was on the up but it took a turn for the worst just recently. Currently: $1 = €0.75

I'll be making some changes to my post-AHA itinerary due to some minor planning hiccups. I've been pondering some possible solutions the last few days but nothing brilliant has come to me... yet.

The summer job/career quest continues and with classes easing up here, I can dedicate more of my time and attention into a full-on search party. Luckily, the University of Montana has some pretty good resources for job and internship searches.

It's about 11:30pm here and I'm just not in the mood for another outing so I think I'm going to stay in tonight and watch this week's episode of LOST. Tschüss!