Well, yesterday I finally sat down and thought out my plans for post-AHA. When I penciled the things I really WANTED to do, I realized I didn't have much time to do anything too extravagant - and I definitely don't have the money! My last day of class is Thursday, the 2nd of April so here's what I've come up with:

- April 4th, Saturday night: Train to Luzern, Switzerland | 10hrs, arrive Sunday 7:30am
Duration of stay in Luzern: approximately 5 days

- April 10th, Friday: LAST SKI TRIP to St. Anton, Austria (3.5 hours from Luzern). Approximately 3 days.

- April 13th, Monday: Return to Luzern, gather belongings and head to Frankfurt, Germany. Stay with Engelhardt's for a couple days, visit Philip in Mannheim (south of Frankfurt). Leave bags in Frankfurt and travel to Munich for a few days, possibly Nürnberg on the way.

- April 22nd, Wednesday: Return to Engelhardt's in Frankfurt, depart for USA Thursday morning.

There it is! Any suggestions are more than welcome. I wanted to go south and experience some European beachfront but several factors changed my plans = Money, time, Italian. There are still plenty of cool beaches around North and South American that still need checking out, anyway... :) I also decided that staying in Austria/Switzerland/Germany would help to further improve my German skills so that's one more reason I opted out traveling south.

And now... more pictures from my weekend in Laax with the boys!

Some kick-ass mountains during the drive between Max's aunt's place and the ski resort.

We were just three of many spectators. Pretty scenic location for this event, it was awesome.

We made a few stops for picture-time. Sascha in the foreground and Max in the background taking some sweet shots of a big valley.

Some discussion on the way back to Munich about the best possible routes... Max on the left in the driver's seat, Sascha on the right.
From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009

From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009

ÖBB, you have some catching up to do. My DB (Deutsche Bahn) train back to Vienna on Sunday night... and my lovely Armada bag that everyone is jealous of. (Yes, this is 2nd class!!) :)

Great weekend, great friends!