Big trip this weekend

Well today is the beginning of my highly-anticipated ski trip in Laax, Switzerland! This week has been super busy so it will be nice to finally relax and start the end of "real" school time off with an awesome weekend. I had three papers due this week, two written exams and an oral exam in German class. I think that was more work than the rest of the semester, combined!! All of us were in the same boat so there was a lot of student bonding. :)

So tonight I will board the train at about 6:30pm and be in Munich around 10:30pm where Max is going to pick me up with his friend, Sascha, and we'll be off to Laax! Max has some family with a flat on lake Bodensee, about an hour or so from the ski resort. We should have internet access, but I'm not sure. The plan is to ski Friday and Saturday, and also try to watch some of the skiing competition. The competition is a huge freeskiing (ski tricks, jumping, etc.) in Europe. All the professionals and big names in freeskiing will be there so we are really excited to actually BE there and see everything. This is like the X-Games of Europe - big things!! My friends are going to be pretty jealous! I've been looking forward to this weekend since before I even left for Europe.

Anyway, I need to get going so I'll try to update you throughout the weekend. Talk to you later!