Laax ski trip a success!

We couldn't get a hold of any internet, unfortunately, so I'm sorry I wasn't able to update the blog! The weekend was pretty busy, anyway, so I don't think I would have been able to write much. Right now, we're in the car on our way back to Munich. Last night we visited Lindau, a famous, old city on an island in the middle of Bodensee. The town center and pedestrian zone was really cool, and kind of resembled parts of Italy. We had a nice little walk, saw the harbor and then returned to the flat for some late dinner.

Back to the beginning, now! I arrived in Munich by train around 11pm. Max an his friend, Sascha, met me at the train station and we started our 2.5 hour drive to Bodensee. We arrived at the flat, made our beds and crashed. The next morning was an early one. Semi-final rounds for the ski competition started at 9am so we needed to be out the door sometime around 7:30am. Obviously that didn't happen but we were still able to make it to Laax before 10am. Finally, I was in Laax, Switzerland – and for the European Freeski Open!! I've never seen so many twin-tip skis in my life, it was awesome.

Our first lift up passed over the half-pipe and it finally hit me that we were actually here. Competition was well underway and some crazy tricks were being thrown below us. Freeski athletes can do some pretty amazing things. We decided to ski one run before we went to watch because we were all pretty anxious to ski. Then we settled down in a nice spot along slopestyle course. The sun was shining, the wind was only breezy, the conditions couldn't have been better. Lucky for us, the weather stayed just about perfect all weekend! Unlucky for me, that means I got a bit of a sunburn! Nothing serious, though, just a little color...

So we watched some competition, skied some runs, watched more competition, slid some baby boxes and rails thanks to our new inspiration, watched more of the competition, skied more runs... it was a great Friday! Sunday was similar, but instead of slopestyle, it was halfpipe time! We ditched our skis at the top of the hill and found a perfect spot along the pipe, right at the second hit sweet spot! I took a bunch of pictures, even though only a few really good ones turned out. My little camera was giving its all but had nothing on the thousand-dollar cameras all the professional photographers were using. Still, I was proud of some of the shots I got. :)

More skiing, more watching, more trying little tricks and crashing – but it was a great weekend! Right now, we're taking the back roads route to Munich, through the Alps! It will take a little longer but the views are started to get good. I better get off my computer so I can watch!

Another boring week of school ahead of me... at least it will be easy. Sad that half of the students are gone! I will definitely miss having some of them around – others, not so much, ha! Okay, wir fahren jetzt! Tschüss!