Sun in Vienna?!

Yes, today the sun came out for a fleeting moment! It was ALMOST warm today, too... signs that the end of a cold and dreary Viennese winter is near.

It's hard to believe we only have four weeks of school left after this one. I'll be in Europe for another three afterward but still - it's gone by so quickly! Unbelievable when I compare the semesters that often drag on back in Montana.

So I've made a most glorious discovery: The Pepsi Tallboy (or .5L) - IN A CAN!!

I've been grinding away at job applications and cover letters and all kinds of things. Hopefully I'll have some options by the time I get home. Right now, the things I'm applying for are all over the place but I'll get more specific when I start narrowing things down.

From Laura in Vienna, Spring 2009
Today we visited one of Vienna's many museums, the "Wien Museum." It is Vienna's flagship museum and includes a little bit of everything. We only toured a small section of Viennese history even though there is a HUGE museum completely separate of this one that is dedicated completely to European history. I'll definitely have to try to check it out before I leave here.

Zell am See is official and I'll be heading there on the train tomorrow afternoon. Jeff will be accompanying me as he's been wanting to go skiing since he arrived in Europe but has been pretty busy with other things. We booked a hostel right next to a gondola for Thursday and Friday night and because the hostel is full Saturday night, we'll be staying with his neighbor next door for a fair price. I had to plead him for something on Saturday night so he's doing us a big favor but I really appreciate it!

Postcards from Kitzbühel are in the mail today... I wrote them when I was there but never got around to sending them. Yesterday I went to a small "Tabak" store near our home-stay where they sell cigarettes, magazines, pre-paid phone minutes, postcards, stamps and other little things (Tabak stores are always tiny little whole-in-the-wall-type places) to get stamps. The last time I was there was at the beginning of my stay here to get minutes put on my phone and I didn't know a lick of German. The 30-second task took about 10 minutes as I pointed to my phone and tried to display 20 fingers on my hands, only to receive a confused, blank stare in return. Yesterday I went inside and asked for €20 in pre-paid phone minutes and 10 stamps to the U.S.A.... all in German! By golly, I think I might be learning something!

Anyway, time for HEROES!! Tschüss!