The weekend went by FAR too quickly and we're all back in Vienna now with Monday out of the way already. Trieste was simply gorgeous and my low expectations for the city were far surpassed. I could definitely have spent a lot more time there enjoying the sun, the easy-going people and the fantastic ocean views.

It seemed like there were people roaming the streets of Trieste all day and all night. Tourist season isn't here yet so nearly all of the people were locals out having a good time and enjoying their weekends. Unfortunately this meant almost NOTHING was open for business on Sunday so a couple of my friends wandered the town for a place to eat before we boarded our train home. We finally found a place, well off the beaten path, but it was cheap and lived up to the deliciousness of Italian food.

The train ride home seemed endless but I passed my time snacking and watching the latest episodes of American Idol and LOST - a couple of my favorite TV shows from back home. We got into Vienna around 23:45 but Frauke had scheduled our Monday activities for a little later start time so getting up this morning wasn't too bad.

Tomorrow morning we'll be visiting the Schuberthaus with our music class and in the afternoon, the psychology class will be visiting the infamous "Mad Tower" where the city used to keep mentally ill patients until 1866. Should be a pretty interesting day.

Plans are in the works for this weekend - ski trip! Right now it's looking like Zell am See, a large resort south of Salzburg. Once again, ÖBB has some really good package deals and I found a great hostel practically next door to one of the lifts so things are falling into place. I might even recruit some of my fellow American students to join me.

Changes to my calendar at the bottom of this page are ongoing so be sure to check it out. Lots of moving around has been done, recently!