When you're tired, you fall more.

The sun was shining almost all day today so leaving early was VERY difficult! The views were incredible and I wanted to take a picture everywhere I turned but I knew the camera could never do it justice so I gave up after a while. The nice weather also brought the masses up to the mountain so it was a bit more crowded then yesterday and Friday but if you get far enough away from the main runs, you can avoid them pretty easily.

I'm in the train on my way back to Vienna! There's only internet for First Class so I'm just typing this out now and I'll post it online when I get back to my homestay. Anyway, I decided to stay a little longer and catch the 4:30pm with one transfer in Wörgl. It wasn't too bad and I got the chance to eat a little something before the 4 hour train ride ahead of me. BUT I was still really sad to leave Kitzbühel since it seemed like I only barely scratched th surface of the little town and its giant mountain! There were a couple areas I didn't get to the entire weekend. Oh well, guess that means I'll have to come back someday... Hehe. The hostel was great, too, I have no complaints. The price was right and they had everything I needed - and especially catered to skiers and snowboarders. I even got a ride to the train station!

I've been reading that skiing in Europe is usually pretty comparable, price-wise, to ski trips in the United States. I'll have to look into that sometime and see what it all works out to. I know lift tickets here are WAY cheaper, especially considering how much more there is to ski. So think about it, guys... Christmas in Kitzbühel? I hear it's beautiful! :p